About me
Hello! I'm Darragh - a 16 year old student taking their A-Levels, including Computer Science.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on.
A premium Minecraft cheat developed with logevity in mind, featuring a wide range of modules and customisation options. Additionally, coinciding with the project, several open-source projects have been released to assist it's development.
Created: Unknown - Present
Type: Paid Product
Languages used: Java, Typescript
Frameworks used: LWJGL, Express, React, Next.js
darragh's Clicker v1
An autoclicker designed to bypass heurisitic autoclicker detections within Minecraft anticheats. Looking back, the clicker was surpassed expectations, bypassing all major anticheats at the time. Reminisents of the algorithm are still used in modern projects of mine today.
Created: January 2024
Type: Lost Source
Language used: C++
Frameworks used: Windows API, ImGui
darragh's Clicker v2
A slowly developed and backburnered rewrite of the darragh's Clicker v1.
Created: October 2024
Type: Closed Source
Language used: C++
Frameworks used: Windows API, ImGui